Juno Bio-T Ag Type-1 ring-shaped intrauterine contraceptive coil
€14.30 €11.91
The anchor of the intrauterine contraceptive is made of plastic in the form of a closed ring with a diameter of 18 mm, inside which a rod is placed.
The rod carries a bimetallic copper-silver wire with the nominal active surface area of 254 mm2 in a ring-shaped IUD “Juno Bio-T” type № 1 (copper purity no less than 99.98%, silver content no less than 9.3%) and a monofilament thread for controlling the placement and withdrawal of the contraceptive.
The X-ray and ultrasound contrast is provided by the presence of a bimetallic copper-silver wire on the rod. The method of IUD insertion – “withdrawal” method, the graded tube-conductor diameter is 3.9mm.
The duration of contraception – not more than 5 years for IUD “Juno Bio-T Ag” of the ring form No.1.
Sterilization – radiation.
A woman’s desire to protect herself from pregnancy.
The treatment and prevention of Asherman syndrome. As a postcoital device, the IUD can be inserted for 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse.
Active ingredient
How to take, the dosage
The recommended timing of the IUD insertion
Any day of the menstrual cycle (preferably from day 4 to day 19);
– immediately after an uncomplicated medical abortion by vacuum-aspiration or curettage;
– at the end of uterine involution (5-6 weeks after uncomplicated childbirth) including
In case of lactational amenorrhea immediately after removing the IUD that has expired, if the woman wishes to continue the intrauterine contraception;
For the purpose of post-coital contraception on the 3rd-4th day after unprotected intercourse.
Adaptation to the IUD
In the period of adaptation of the patient’s body to the IUD (3-4 months) changes in the menstrual cycle are possible. Menstrual bleeding may be accompanied by a dragging pain in the lower abdomen or sacral area, which, as a rule, quickly subsides.
In order to increase IUD acceptability and shorten the period of adjustment, it is recommended:
– conducting a thorough examination of women to identify contraindications to IUD use;
– a differentiated approach to choosing the IUD model based on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, plans for childbearing, and the time of insertion of the IUD;
– The use of recommended technique for IUD insertion and optimal time for its insertion;
Preventive administration of antibiotics;
The use of prostaglandinogenesis inhibitors in the first days after the IUD insertion and during the first three menstrual bleeding periods. Patient evaluation
The patient must be informed about the advantages, disadvantages and possible complications of the method of IUD insertion
The patient must be informed about the advantages, disadvantages and possible complications of the method of intrauterine contraception. The examination of the patient before IUD insertion (The scope of the examination of the patient before IUD insertion is regulated by national medical protocols and may vary from country to country):
-clinical examination; -bacterioscopic analysis of vaginal smears;
-Rab smear (smear for oncocytological examination).
The IUD insertion procedure
The IUD insertion procedure is performed by an obstetrician-gynecologist using standard aseptic procedures.
After a gynecological examination and the exclusion of contraindications for the application of the method of intrauterine contraception under aseptic conditions, the mirrors are inserted and the cervix and the vagina are treated three times with an antiseptic solution. Then the cervix is fixed with bullet forceps and slightly lowered, the direction of the axis of the cervical canal and the length of the uterine cavity are determined using a sterile probe. In some cases, instrumental dilatation of the cervical canal with Gegara dilators may be required up to #4-4.5
Preparing the IUD for insertion
1 Open the package on the transcervical suture side.
2 Place the movable limiter at a distance corresponding to the length of the uterine cavity along the probe. Insert the plunger into the tube until it contacts the contraceptive tube.
To control the plane of the IUD anchor, rotate the restrictor on the insertion tube until the flats of the restrictor align with the predicted plane of the IUD anchor.
IUD Insertion Procedure (Withdrawal Method)
1 Keeping the traction by the bullet forceps as you would do when probing the uterine cavity, without using excessive force, insert the IUD through the cervical canal to the limiter. Move the insertion tube and piston simultaneously. The release of the IUD anchor from the tube occurs when the insertion tube is displaced until it stops against the piston ring. Warning: The piston must remain stationary while supporting the contraceptive device.
2 Remove the piston.
3 Remove the insertion tube.
4 Cut the transcervical sutures so that they protrude 1.5-2.5 cm from the cervix. The recommended time from opening the package to insertion of the IUD is no more than 7 minutes.
The indications for the removal of the IUD
The IUD can be removed on any day of the menstrual cycle if the woman wishes.
It is mandatory to remove the IUD at the end of its use.
If there is no certainty about the proper placement of the IUD immediately after insertion, it is appropriate to remove the contraceptive and insert a new contraceptive.
– The contraceptive should be removed if pelvic inflammatory diseases develop (endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, etc.); persistent menstrual irregularities.); persistent disorders of the menstrual cycle; the development of anemia; partial expulsion of the IUD; a pronounced pain syndrome associated with the presence of the IUD in the uterine cavity; pregnancy with an IUD (the question of prolongation of pregnancy after removal of the IUD is decided upon individually, the patient must be informed that the risk of spontaneous abortion with an IUD in the uterine cavity increases by 50%).
Letters for women using intrauterine contraception The effect of the method of intrauterine contraception is ensured by the presence of a small-sized product in the uterine cavity – an intrauterine device (IUD). The period of adaptation of the organism to the IUD lasts about 3 months. Immediately after the installation of the intrauterine contraceptive, you may be concerned about minor bleeding from the genital tract, mild lower abdominal pain, which should pass in 2-3 days. Within 8-10 days after the introduction of the IUD should refrain from sexual activity, increased physical activity, sports, bathing, sauna. Even if you feel well after 10 days you should contact the doctor who inserted the IUD. Within 2-3 months after the insertion of the uterus IUD, periods may be longer and more abundant, sometimes there is a slight bleeding from the genital tract between menstrual bleedings. During menstruation it is advisable to pay attention to sanitary pads in order to timely notice the fall out of the coil with menstrual discharge. Repeated examinations at the gynecologist you should pass in 1, 3, 6 months after the introduction of intrauterine contraceptive device, then once or twice a year during the entire period of IUD use. When using intrauterine contraception, you need to observe the usual hygienic regime. However, as with any modern method of contraception, complications may arise:
– delayed periods (very rarely pregnancy can occur)
– lower abdominal pain, pain during intercourse, increased body temperature, unusual discharge from the genital tract (signs of inflammatory diseases of the genitals)
Three months later, menstruation remains long, heavy, weakness, a feeling of malaise (signs of impaired adaptation to the IUD).
You should immediately consult a doctor if these symptoms occur. At the end of the period of use of the IUD specified by your doctor, the contraceptive must be removed. If you like this method of contraception and would like to continue it, a new IUD can be inserted on the day the “old” IUD is removed after a preliminary examination.
Please remember that you can remove the IUD at any time you wish. This method of birth control has no effect on fertility (pregnancy can occur immediately after removal of the IUD, regardless of the length of time it has been in use). It is easy and painless to remove the IUD from the uterus, but you should not do it yourself.
No drug interactions have been detected, medical personnel should be informed about the presence of the IUD if diagnostic and therapeutic exposures are necessary. In some cases it may be necessary to remove the contraceptive.
Intrauterine contraception is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy (suspected or confirmed), malignant diseases of the female genitals, pelvic inflammatory processes, genital bleeding of unknown etiology, abnormal uterine development, myoma over 8 weeks, endometriosis of any localization, allergy to copper, Wilson disease.
With caution (after the risks/benefits assessment) it is necessary to use the IUD if there is a high risk of the development of sexually transmitted diseases (presence of several sexual partners), anemia (hemoglobin less than 90 g/l), in women who have not given birth, with blood diseases, in patients with the existence of ectopic pregnancy in the past.
Side effects
Increased menstrual bleeding. Pre- and intermenstrual bleeding.
Manufacturer | Simurgh, Russia |
Brand | Simurgh |
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